Dear Readers, welcome to this first message of the new year and a new year it will be. Because the ascension process is well underway, changes are starting to happen in the hearts and minds of many. Some long held beliefs will begin to manifest in new and higher form while others will completely disappear […]
Dear Readers, Because today’s message comes at a time of holiday activity and guests, we wish to once again (as in previous years) explain the symbolism of the Christmas story in this message. The narrative everyone is familiar with is so much more than the story of one man born 2000 years ago because it […]
Dear Readers, Our message brings with it love and respect as we observe so many of you holding the light of higher awareness during these times of so much discord . Never doubt that you chose to be on earth specifically for these times in order to participate as a Light worker. We do […]
Dear readers welcome to our message. Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time. Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on earth must be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be eliminated. The […]
Welcome, dear readers. Welcome to our message in these times of so much confusion and doubt in the world. We have often spoken about the individual and global clearings of old, dense, and obsolete energy now taking place as intense high frequency Light flows to earth as the ascension process unfolds. The surfacing and clearing […]
Dear readers welcome to our message which in reality is your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message they are in alignment with. All is proceeding according to plan. High resonating frequencies of Light now flowing to earth from the sun are continuing to expose pockets of dense energy thousands of […]
Dear Readers, welcome to our message. The increase in chaos, confusion, and violence worldwide has much to do with dense three dimensional energies surfacing at this time. There are some who live fully from three dimensional consciousness that have kept their separation beliefs hidden from others, but as low resonating energy surfaces as part of […]
Welcome dear readers, Always know that these messages flow to you on energies of Light, hope, encouragement, and truth through which you then become silent Light workers wordlessly bringing these same truths to those receptive simply through the presence of your state of consciousness. Personally and globally the world is experiencing the effects of […]
Dear Readers, we bring this message with love and encouragement at a time when so much of the world seems to be drowning in the false creations of a spiritually asleep collective. Never forget that every person is the creator of their world because every person is a living, breathing expression of the one and […]
Dear readers, welcome to our message in these times of struggle for so many. Know that by holding the Light of truth at all times in spite of outer appearances, you are helping to dissolve the energies that support and maintain them. Universal beliefs based in duality, separation, and two powers have tainted everything on […]
Welcome, dear readers. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan. In the very near future there are going to be events that will result in change and the awakening of many due to the information that will accompany them. At this time you are witnessing the personal and global surfacing of large amounts […]
Welcome to our message which is presented in love with the intention of assisting all who are receptive toward a higher level of spiritual awareness. The energetically powerful times of today offer opportunities for spiritual growth that have never before been available because the increasing presence of high frequency energy is forcing long buried densities […]