AUGUST 18, 2024

Dear Readers, we bring this message with love and encouragement at a time when so much of the world seems to be drowning in the false creations of a spiritually asleep collective. Never forget that every person is the creator of their world because every person is a living, breathing expression of the one and only creative realty--God, Divine consciousness, Source, or whatever you wish to call IT. 

Earth's collective consciousness has been creating, maintaining, and sustaining the three dimensional belief system for a very long time but as increasingly more individuals wake up to truth, it is gradually becoming more enlightened which in turn allows the world greater access to ideas of truth and oneness while shifting earth's energy to new and higher levels. This is the ascension process.

Long ago the master teacher Jesus said; "I am the way,the truth, and the Light." but the un-enlightened consciousness of most at that time and even now believed that he was talking about himself, personally being the way, truth, and Light. "I" is the name of God, the only name God has or can have because it is every person's true identity. 

The master Jesus as well as many other spiritual masters over time tried to explain that "I" does not refer to a human person but rather is the real I-dentity of every person infinitely governing, maintaining and sustaining the fullness of ITself in and as them and all ITs other expressions. Most are as of yet unable to experience the governing qualities of their own Divine Self because they have blocked them by creating their own personal world of separation from a consciousness filled with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.  

Metaphysics is changing a bad picture into a good one through rites and rituals, prayers, ceremonies, tools, etc. Mysticism is the realization that nothing needs to be changed. Those who live from a consciousness of "I am" are mystics. Most think of a mystic as someone who lives far away and alone, meditating 24/7. This image like so many other concepts, represents a very limited three dimensional interpretation of spirituality that is based beliefs of separation from God. Where is the need to seek out holy places, follow some guru, perform rites and rituals, etc. if God is already fully present within? Would it not make more sense to seek God where God is???

Every person is a mystic living a mystical life when they live from a consciousness of ONEness. Mystics go to work, sweep floors, cook dinner, do laundry, teach, nurse, fix computers, and carry out garbage. A mystic simply knows who he/she is and lives it. 

Many are awake in that they intellectually know the principles of truth but think of it something interesting to discuss but too impractical to actually take seriously or live. Truth must be known and practiced until it eventually through grace becomes your state of consciousness where it then flows as who and what you are in every moment of every day and in every circumstance. A mystic lives in the world utilizing its gifts and properties as needed but is not of it. 

The world as it has been known and accepted is rapidly changing as the high frequency energies now streaming to earth open more individuals to ideas of based in truth. The dense energies manifesting as the material world must dissolve in the presence of higher Light energy because the Light is real whereas the lower resonating energies that constitute concepts is not. Concepts created from beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers have nothing to support, maintain, or sustain them other than a belief in them. Be willing to release the past and its accompanying programming because you have reached a place where most of it no longer serves you. Ask yourself; "What am I believing about this? In the light of what I now know, is it true?"

The world in general continues to promote duality, fear, and a sense of self as being separate from God, people, and other life forms. Relationships are promoted as the idea that every person is half of a couple, intelligence is limited to some but not others, certain people are better, smarter, more entitled than others, and death and disease are just around the corner for everyone unless... you eat this but not that, do this but not that, look or dress this way, have this much money, etc. etc. 

Stay present, alert to, and aware of the infinity of false suggestions flowing to you from the collective day and night for acceptance or rejection. The contents of the collective are available to everyone but only you can choose what to accept and align with. If only one person believing in duality, separation, and two powers remained in the world, every person would still have access to it because there is only ONE consciousness. 

The world that most have experienced and come to accept through having lived hundreds of lifetimes is not the world of God's creating, but rather is the manifestation of individualized God consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and powers other than the ONE power. It is time, past time, to cease attempting to patch and prop up the illusory world and begin acknowledging the real one. 

Every person has accumulated and continues to carry old energy from the past. In order for individuals to align with the higher frequencies of the new earth these energies must clear and will often manifest physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as they do. This is why so many, even those spiritually awake are experiencing troublesome issues in their lives at this time.  

You are being transformed into the real you much like the caterpillar who must totally dissolve in a cocoon before re-emerging as the butterfly. Many have unexpectedly found themselves leveled to square one with everything old and familiar gone and an inner void that is physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually traumatic. If this is or has been your experience know that this phase of your ascension process was necessary but is temporary--do not resist but rather discover the lessons of the experience while never forgetting that your higher Self brings you what you need only when you are ready.  

Allow the process. Do not focus on continuous attempts to heal, change, or correct the outer things that have been part of your journey but rather seek to find the lessons they bring and trust that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan. Live each now moment from your highest sense of rightness, without yearning for the past or anticipating some imagined future.

 Remember that in spite of any experiences or situations you may find yourself in you can never be separated from your true self/SELF--God, Divine Consciousness individualized.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/18/24 

                                                      JULY 28, 2024

Dear readers, welcome to our message in these times of struggle for so many. Know that by holding the Light of truth at all times in spite of outer appearances, you are helping to dissolve the energies that support and maintain them.

Universal beliefs based in duality, separation, and two powers have tainted everything on earth resulting in the third dimensional world you are familiar with. A world where animals are dangerous, bugs are poisonous, people kill, cheat, and malign one another, and where individuals are judged by the color of their skin. The belief that self preservation is a right and a law has resulted in crime, suffering, and every war. This is the world that most have come to know and accept as reality but is not the world of God's creating, rather is the world of man's creating--illusion.

Every person unconsciously seeks the fulfillment of their Oneness but because most remain unaware of their true nature, they seek it in the outer world where when found, is never permanent. (duality) Earth and all life on her have long lived under a dense shadow of ignorance but have reached a place of spiritual readiness for more. The time has come for mankind to wake up to the fact that yes indeed there is a God, but not one far away needing to be found but rather one needing to be recognized as the essence of every living thing. 

For too long mankind has been praying (preying) to a concept made in man's image that lives in the sky with a list of who is naughty or nice in order to punish, condemn, or reward them according to rules created by human, conditioned minds that hold or have held in the past positions of religious or governmental authority. Know this--the only hell that exists is the one of man's making.

The whole evolutionary journey-- every good, bad, or horrible experience, every thought, every belief or action taken throughout hundreds of lifetimes lived as male/female with black, white, brown, or yellow skin has been for the purpose of bringing every individual to a place of readiness for consciously knowing that their real identity Divine Consciousness. 

At some point every person must accept and begin to live from the truth that their real identity (not the ego sense of self) is an expression of the one and only "thing" there is--Divine Consciousness. Because this "thing" is infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient it can only express and manifest ITself. Nothing else exists from which anything could be made. Every person's true identity as Divine Consciousness individualized makes them a creator, consciously or unconsciously creating from the contents of their state of consciousness. 

Divine consciousness is and will continue to express ITself as infinite form and variety. Animals and all life expressions both seen and unseen are not meant to behave like or be compared in value to humans because they are already perfect expressions of a Divine idea in the Mind of God with their own spiritual identity. Ideas of dangerous or poisonous, good or bad creations do not and have never existed in Divine Mind. In the world of God's creating the Lion lies down with the lamb and humans, animals, plants, trees, bugs, all live in alignment as the ONE in expression. 

As a person practices and lives the truth about him/her self and everyone else, over time (and it often takes years) they gradually move beyond the three dimensional barriers that have held them in bondage and evolve through grace and the Higher Self's determination of their readiness into a state of Christ Consciousness. Christ means Light/enlightenment, and is not a person but a title. You are all Christs, but have not yet attained the consciousness of it. The process cannot be hurried or forced through rites and rituals, it is a divinely guided journey. 

An intellectual knowledge of spiritual truth will not automatically manifest outwardly because knowledge is not consciousness. This has caused some to lose interest in their spiritual journey because they expect their knowledge of spiritual truth to manifest and when it doesn't they assume it was all a lie. Consciousness is the substance of form and the intellectual knowledge of spiritual truth is just the first step toward attaining the consciousness of it.  

When you begin anything you first think about the steps involved ( knowledge) and then over time and with practice it becomes a permanent and automatic facet of your consciousness. Evolution works the same way. The spiritual journey is often difficult in the beginning because so much of what is known and familiar must be let go of in order to make room for that which is new and higher. In order for this to happen experiences of discord or failure are often necessary but these experiences should never be seen as failures or going backwards but rather as graduations that lead to new levels of awareness.

Because it is the reality, every soul will eventually attain the consciousness of their Oneness with God and all life and forever leave behind concepts of duality, separation and two powers along with seeking and begging from a God outside of self. It is at this point that every soul moves from sitting at the feet of a spiritual master to sitting beside the master which is not ego but reality.

"I" is the name of God and refers to your real Self and not the personal ego self. Be very careful how you use this word because when you say to yourself and others; "I am sick. I am poor. I always fail. I am a victim." etc. etc. you as a creator are further creating and empowering that particular belief. Consciousness is the substance of form interpreted through mind, as...  

The time has come to understand and accept the tremendous power you hold within and come out from under the umbrella of believing that you are just a human being forever subject to man made beliefs and rules about everything. 

Claim your Divinity dear ones. You are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/28/24

                                                     JULY 14, 2024

Welcome, dear readers.

Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan. In the very near future there are going to be events that will result in change and the awakening of many due to the information that will accompany them.  

At this time you are witnessing the personal and global surfacing of large amounts of false, dense, and obsolete energy that has long been present but unrecognized as such. There are a few who feel a sense of alignment and validation from these old energies and rather than recognizing them for what they are and allowing them to clear, they act on them. This is why you are seeing an increase in violence and so many attempting to force old beliefs based in separation onto others. 

There are some individuals, religious leaders, churches, and organized groups that believe and teach they alone know the mind of God and are therefore the only ones qualified to teach the rightness or wrongness of everything. One of their favorite topics is sexuality. Usually, they themselves were taught that anything sensual is bad or sinful and so when they themselves experience normal sexual feelings they react with attempts to judge, condemn, eliminate, tramp down, and resist them in everyone around them often failing for themselves.  

It has been taught and continues to be taught from various sources that sexuality is bad, a sign of human weakness, a sin and a depravity permissible only if blessed by legal contract. Oppositely, present times increasingly promote it as being the end all of happiness. Both represent duality. Human sexuality is sacred because it is the material expression of the mystical marriage--the attainment of that state of consciousness in which masculine and feminine aspects of Divine consciousness become one.  

Everyone experiences sexuality because everyone is Divine Consciousness individualized but as with all of God's expressions when interpreted through three dimensional eyes it becomes a concept of the reality. Sexuality is a powerful and sacred energy but is often seen as nothing more than something for physical gratification, a duty, a way to get babies, power over another, a punishment, money, or a way to feel attractive, worthy, and lovable. It is the underlying intensity of sexual energy that causes so many long lasting issues with victims of rape and sexual child abuse. 

Sexuality is used to sell clothing, cosmetics, and products of all sorts to both men and women promoting the idea that if you use these products you will look sexy and then be loved and accepted. Beauty pageants and "sexy" clothing are promoted for young children as well as for adults. 

Many base their limited concepts of sexuality on the old testament of the bible forgetting that much of the old testament referred to the issues and states of awareness of those particular times. The bible has been translated, interpreted, reinterpreted, and misinterpreted over time by many different individuals who however pure their intent, could only work from the level of their attained state of consciousness.  

Concepts carried from earlier less enlightened times are beginning to crumble as the high resonating energies of ascension replace them. Some who base their value and self worth on their ability to live from rigid religious rules are lashing out, refusing to even consider that their foundation may have been built on sand. Your work is to remember and acknowledge that those causing chaos in the world are spiritual beings.

When understood from a higher level, sexuality and its expressions will always include love and respect. Many believe and continue to promote the idea that sexual attraction is love. Sex, one of the pleasures of being in a physical body is and never has been evil, sin, or wrong but when seen only as a physical act with no real importance or repercussions, something to be used or misused for "fun" it ceases to be what it really is. Because of the intensity of the sexual act, energetic connections are created between partners, cords that may be carried for a long time. 

Many are experiencing questions and feeling confusion with regard to sex and sexuality. In ancient times women were considered inferior--property to be bought and sold and available to be used in any way males considered superior, wanted. Many men as well as women still carry energy from these dark times in their sacral chakra where it can manifest as detachment, lack of creativity, reproductive issues, fear, hatred of sex, addiction to sex, and more. These old energies are now clearing and may be temporarily re-experienced as they move through.  

Young ones just coming into their sexuality must be taught more than "don't do it" or "get protection" etc. They need to be taught that feelings of sexuality are not evil or wrong, something to be avoided at all costs, or the opposite, something to be indulged in without thought. Because sexuality is a facet of everyone's spiritual nature its expressions should reflect this through intelligent choice, consideration for the beliefs about sex of the partner, love, and respect.

Homosexuality and gender confusion are playing a large role in today's self righteous political and religious conversations . Never forget that every person is first and foremost consciousness, and not a male or female material body. A material/physical vehicle is necessary when living and functioning in the dense three dimensional energy of earth but your body is not now, never has been, and never becomes you.  

A person who has lived many many lifetimes as one gender begins to resonate more fully with that particular gender. In the process of preparing for their next incarnation they realize that they need to learn and experience the energy of the gender opposite of that with which they are so familiar in order to spiritually grow and so they choose to incarnate as the unfamiliar gender.  

The density of third dimensional energy prevents them from remembering this choice and because he/she continues to resonate with the more dominant energy of their many lifetimes as one gender they believe that something is physically wrong with them and begin various solutions for living as the gender they most closely resonate with. 

They are not to be condemned for this but rather understood. They do not understand that they are consciousness and not just a material body or that they specifically chose the form they find themselves in for spiritual learning. These dear ones often do not fully achieve the goals of their pre-birth choice but will have taken the first steps toward it and their next life will be much easier.  

As for those attracted to those of the same gender, it is the same, many lifetimes lived as either male or female that result in being more closely aligned with the energies of one or the other. It is also frequently the case that when someone who has had a close relationship with another, as friend, family, partner, lover etc. in many previous lives meets that person in this lifetime and there is the same loving connection regardless of gender. 

As earth's collective consciousness becomes more enlightened, concepts based in separation, sin, evil, two powers, etc. will/must simply disappear having nothing but the belief in them to create, maintain, and sustain them.  

Resist endowing the negativity of today's world with undeserved importance. Be an observer, ever aware that God alone is power.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/14/24

                                          JUNE 30, 2024

Welcome to our message which is presented in love with the intention of assisting all who are receptive toward a higher level of spiritual awareness. The energetically powerful times of today offer opportunities for spiritual growth that have never before been available because the increasing presence of high frequency energy is forcing long buried densities of the past to surface and clear personally and globally. 

If life has become difficult in one or more ways, remember that you chose to be on earth at this time because you recognized that earth's energetically powerful ascension process would be perfect for spiritual growth. 1.-You wanted to serve earth's ascension with your own Light. 2.-There would be many other evolved souls from which to further learn and evolve. 3.-The high resonating frequencies of Light flowing from many sources would allow you to more easily clear and move beyond any remaining false beliefs and obsolete commitments from the past.  

It is very difficult to see the bigger picture when surrounded by a three dimensional belief system that seems to be forever presenting physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual struggles. Go within often, not just in times of turmoil. Rest often in the reality of your very own Being, silently listening for the still small voice that is always present even when seemingly silent because it is YOU. 

The still small voice will occasionally speak loudly, but more often than not is heard as intuition, guidance, or a teacher silently revealing to you the fullness of some spiritual truth you may have long sought to understand. Rest in silent receptivity, not resisting or engaging the thoughts that may drift through and without concepts of what the experience should or must be because it often seems as if nothing happens. Your intention to align with SELF assures that something always happens on a deeper level whether it seems that way or not.  

Friends, foods, entertainments, or anything resonating with energies you have evolved beyond will gradually slip away often without you even noticing simply because you are no longer energetically in alignment with them. Allow this process to unfold without resistance or attempts to bring the people, places, or things of an earlier time back to what once was. In order for anything to flow harmoniously, there must be energetic alignment be it a relationship, job, or belief system. 

It can be difficult, but learn not to look to another person for love, acceptance, forgiveness, support, etc. even when that person is the one it would naturally be expected to come from. In and of themselves human beings do not possess these qualities because they are God qualities flowing through individuals but never from them. Look only to God for these things and you will find that they will flow to you and often from where least expected.  

God alone is power. The belief in two powers is one of the three foundational cornerstones of the third dimensional belief system--duality, separation, and the belief in two powers. Believing in two powers conditions the mind (the interpreter of consciousness) and consciousness itself (the substance) to believe that every person is helpless and at the mercy of people, places, and things that the three dimensional collective consciousness has bestowed with power. 

Giving power to anything other than God--disease, money, food, people, countries, government, experts, religious rites and rituals, etc. etc. is idolatry . There is only one power and that power is the Divine consciousness that is and always has been infinitely present in and as everything. Nothing else exists.  

It doesn't mean that you suddenly become blind to the faults and maneuvering tactics of the third dimensional consciousness nor does it mean throwing away your medicines and closing hospitals and jails while shouting "God is all" and doing nothing about the circumstances of your life which would be pretending a state of consciousness not yet attained. We are saying that all serious seekers of truth must at some point cease endowing people, places, and things with power over them for good or evil. 

God alone is power. Begin to acknowledge this in every situation claiming to have power in spite of appearances to the contrary. Do what you feel you need to do, but while doing it remember that because there is only ONE power, that which is considered to be a power in the material world has no real or permanent Divine Law to support it but is rather the manifestation of the false three dimensional collective beliefs about it.  

There are some religions and individuals that believe that having fun, laughing, dancing is a sin and must be avoided at all costs or suffer punishment. They live lives of fear in their belief of a judging condemning god who will punish them if they don't abide by a variety of strict and joyless man made rules about spirituality.

Earth is not meant to be a joyless constant struggle. Enjoy the good things of your life. Harmony, peace, joy, love, and abundance on all levels are God ordained and sustained spiritual qualities fully present within every person. Let them flow. Love, enjoy, be grateful for friends, family, nature, your pet, a new baby, a helpful doctor, dentist, or lawyer but without personally endowing these things with power of their own in the realization that they are God expressing ITself through them. 

Moving beyond the belief in two powers is an important part of everyone's evolutionary process and you are ready. The world is filled with people, ideas, and things that claim to have power for good and for evil which in reality are simply the two ends of the belief in duality stick. Many benefit from a majority belief in two powers. Advertising, politics, evangelists, media, education, health, law, all these and more benefit from a world that continues to believe that it is helpless and at the mercy of an infinite number of things.  

God always has been and always will be only power and that power is within you/YOU who are God individualized. 

Believe it.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/30/24

                                                  JUNE 16, 2024

Dear friends, we welcome you to our message. 

During these times of personal and global turmoil many of you are finding it difficult to stay centered but at the same time easy to slip into worry, concern, judgement, criticism, and fear. This usually happens when socializing with co-workers, family, friends, and even through the impersonal voices of the media. You may find yourself looking back on some social event that seemed to go very well and suddenly realize that you had fully aligned with the three dimensional thinking and opinions of those around you.  

This does not mean you have spiritually failed or must leave group discussions but rather means learning to keep a part of yourself aligned with truth at all times. Your presence can boost a group's energy because one with God is a majority. Toss a seed of truth into these conversations now and then and simply practice knowing that those who live from fear, judgement, and criticism are spiritual beings hypnotized by beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. There may be instances when you are guided to simply walk away and you will know.

Fear causes people from all levels of life to say things that may or may not be true in order to get others to agree with them because it provides a sense of security and credibility to know that one is not alone in the beliefs they have long considered to be absolute and "right" but which now are being questioned by increasingly more individuals. 

Earth is an extremely difficult school and not for the "faint-hearted" because most of earth's appearances and experiences testify to duality, separation, and two powers. However, spiritual evolution is never solely dependent on personal choice but rather is governed by a person's Higher Self (the SELF that has never forgotten who it is). Every person has a Higher Self that determines when they are ready for their next level of awakening and the experiences necessary to achieving it.  

Those who graduate from "earth school" are able to live lives that reflect the higher energies of a consciousness of oneness while living in third dimensional density and are well qualified to assist others to do the same.  

Much of what is presently familiar and has come to be accepted as normal everyday life on earth will continue to change as old energies fall out of alignment with the higher frequencies of ascension energy. Always remember that the Divine realities that underlie everything on earth remain forever intact. It is only the material sense of these things can die or disappear and their reality will at some point manifest again in forms reflective of the new and higher frequencies. 

Resistance acts as a block to spiritual evolution because resistance gives reality and energy to appearances. Resistance is the ego's way of keeping you safe because the human mind relies on what is already known and familiar while drawing from the collective. When you feel resistance to some aspect of truth ask yourself; " What am I believing that is making me feel this way? Is it true?" Many spiritual concepts once held to be absolute truth are now being questioned and let go of by awakening individuals who then frequently experience criticism and judgement from others unable to see beyond the conditioning of religious doctrine and practice.

It is often the case that those closest to you, those you love and want to help are simply unable to accept what you know. Forgive and let go of those dear to you who are unable hear, understand, or come with you in spiritual awareness. Always remember that every person has a Higher self and Guides helping them traverse their spiritual journey which may very well require more learning experiences before they are ready for the higher truths.  

Allow the process dear ones, allow the process. Spend time in nature, in quiet and going within more often. This is not isolating yourself in the material sense but rather allows you to stay centered in the fullness and oneness within--reality in times of so much unreality.  

Those choosing to be on their phones 24/7 or feel that they must be constantly listening to the outer world in some way will not hear the the guidance of their intuition. The need for constant distraction is a perfect example of seeking outside of self for comfort and fulfillment. The still small voice within is always speaking but cannot and will never be heard by those too busy listening to the three dimensional world.

The belief that "saints" and certain people are more blessed and loved by God than others will fall away as increasingly more individuals awaken to the fact that God/Divine consciousness is manifesting ITs fullness as every individual. All life is the one and only Life, all intelligence is the one and only Intelligence, every mind is Divine Mind, and every consciousness is Divine Consciousness individualized regardless of what each person chooses to dream.  

Throughout the centuries and even today there have been and are true spiritual masters who incarnated in order to serve and assist humans awaken as well as to seed earth's collective consciousness with truth. However, some of those who have been declared "saints" according to three dimensional standards of spirituality were actually living from three dimensional consciousness--performing rites and rituals, acting 'holy", and preaching concepts considered to be spiritual by those who believe in a faraway God. 

Negative physical, emotional, or mental issues are never personal and this is also true for the "good" qualities a person may be expressing. Humans in and of themselves do not have love, forgiveness, gratitude, patience etc. etc. to give because these things are, always have been, and always will be God qualities flowing through humans but never from them.  

The state of every person's consciousness is what allows or blocks the qualities of God fully present within every person from flowing through. The love and service that many declared "saints" expressed while on earth was not theirs personally. No "saint" was more special or blessed by God than any other person. Rather, their state of consciousness allowed the God qualities within to express more fully.

Living in a convent, monastery, or ashram does not make a person "holy" simply because one's state of consciousness goes wherever a person goes. Those who spend their life focusing on three dimensional concepts of what constitutes holiness (outer signs and emotions) can and often do manifest some of these religious concepts simply because as God individualized, they create them. Never forget that psychic does not necessarily mean spiritual.  

Release any remaining concepts you may have accumulated with regard to what constitutes spirituality. As a part of your evolutionary journey you have all lived lives in convents, monasteries, and/or ashrams where you seriously took vows. It is important at this time to state your intention to clear all past vows, promises, commitments, and contracts. Vows of poverty, chastity, obedience or even sincerely saying to someone in a past life; "I will love you forever" can remain active throughout lifetimes until cleared because these activities were usually done with serious intent allowing them to remain active, affecting many lives. 

Silently and secretly be who you are.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/16/24

                                                   JUNE 2, 2024

Welcome to our message dear readers.

Almost everyone is experiencing a sense of weariness and some physical issues at this time because the high resonating energies now flowing to earth as the ascension process proceeds are not just clearing old energies but at the same time are integrating it into the cells of physical bodies. The human mind often interprets this process as something being "wrong" because it is unfamiliar with what is taking place.  

As with everything that exists, earth is the manifestation of an idea in Divine Mind, a perfect expression of God's creativity, beauty, harmony, and wholeness--plants, animals, and individuals all expressing the qualities of Divine consciousness. Over time, as states of consciousness slipped increasingly deeper into ignorance, the world's collective consciousness began to reflect separation rather than love and connection.  

Separation consciousness views the earth and her life forms as being material, expendable, and available to be dominated by humans who consider themselves to be superior. Earth is still considered by many to be nothing more dirt, a dumping ground to be used and abused for profit. Because there is only ONE, this state of consciousness (one of disrespect and superiority) is often reflected in the lives of those of this consciousness because consciousness is creative.  

The ascension process is dissolving energies of density that have overlain earth for a very long time. This will eventually allow Earth to once again manifest more of her real self, the long hidden earth that as of yet is unknown to the majority. Throughout the centuries there have been groups and individuals of higher awareness who attempted to explain and demonstrate man's oneness with earth through healing and teaching, but they were usually severely punished or put to death for thinking "outside of the accepted box". 

Most of those labeled as "witches" in earlier times were put to death simply because they were able to align with earth energies and use them in physical, emotional, and mental healing practices foreign to the majority living from three dimensional consciousness. Many had been healers in the ancient healing temples of the past. Fear causes people to rise up and resist anything that contradicts their personal belief system regardless how false because a person's belief system constitutes their sense of security and is the foundation from which they build their lives. 

Fear in one form or another dominates the thinking and underlies the actions of the third dimensional state of consciousness. Those locked tightly into some particular belief system will often lash out at anyone who believes differently. You are witnessing increasingly more of this now because the ascension energies are bringing about change which in turn is threatening the belief systems of increasingly more leaders (church, government, legal, experts etc.) as well as ordinary citizens.  

Fear pushes them to proselytize, use legal means, and promote tactics of fear and guilt to force others to accept their personal beliefs about everything because they ignorantly believe that their way is the only "right" way. This is particularly true with religious beliefs. Truth is truth and can never be affected in any shape or form by those threatened by it.

Fear, the natural expression of believing self to be separate from from God, people, and other life forms automatically equates in the human mind as separation from one's good. This in turn often expresses as the belief that a person can and must do whatever they believe is necessary to attain what they think they must have. Separation consciousness has birthed every war, all violence, poverty, disease, and every form of lack and limitation.

Fear and its expressions are ancient and will continue until the energies that maintain and sustain them (beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers) are evolved beyond by the majority which will then allow fear to dissolve of its own nothingness.

Ideas of separation are and can only be illusory because God is omnipresent. Everything is in and of God/Divine Consciousness because nothing else exists. How could an omnipresent God create anything from outside of ITself? Why or even how would IT create something foreign, dangerous, lacking, impermanent from the contents of ITs own harmonious, self sustained, and self maintained SELF? Lack, limitation, disease, etc, do not exist in Divine Consciousness and therefore cannot and never have been created by God. 

God is self-sustained, self-maintained, harmonious, and complete. God is the only cause and therefore the only effect. Knowing and accepting this reveals why over time spiritual masters have called the world an illusion even as good and bad appearances seem so real.  
The earth is real, how it has been and still is perceived constitutes the illusion. 

No one person is better or holier than another, some are just more spiritually awake. God manifests ITself in infinite form and variety--individuality from the same substance. God qualities are the qualities of every person because God does not limit ITself by flowing more of ITself to one and less of ITself to another. God is forever expressing ITs fullness to every person but how much is received and experienced depends upon the receptivity of the individual. Free will allows every person to keep the door of their consciousness open or shut.  

Right now you are seeing a great deal of conflict in the world as old energies that have lain dormant for eons begin to surface. Energies of duality, separation, and two powers have no Divine Law to support or maintain them but will continue to manifest as long as the world's collective consciousness empowers and feeds them with energy. This is why you who are awake are on earth at this time, to seed and open a sleeping collective simply through the presence of your Light.  

Allow the process without giving power to appearances. Do not believe that you are doing something wrong if life becomes chaotic, discordant, or that which is comfortable and familiar disappears. Know that you are doing something right--clearing that which is false, obsolete, and no longer relevant to spiritual evolution through your conscious realization of God as being the only power and not the many things being presented to you at this time as being power.  

Acknowledge and claim your Divinity in the realization that your oneness with Source automatically constitutes your oneness with all life and every Divine Idea. 

We are the Arcturian Group June 2, 2024

                                                      MAY 19, 2024

Welcome dear seekers and readers. 

The world has become an intense and frightening place for many. As the flow of high frequency energy expands it is serving to expose and manifest dense energies that have long been simply ignored or covered up both personally and globally. There are a few who feel empowered by these energies and are choosing to act on them rather than allowing them to simply move through and clear.  

Earth's recent solar flares are manifestations of the increasing presence of the high resonating frequencies now integrating physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in every person. At the same these high frequencies are opening many more eyes to concepts of separation that have long been accepted as being right and normal. 

Many of you are experiencing episodes of depression, anxiety, anger, sadness, and doubt that seem to come from nowhere. You may find yourself looking back at the past with longing or you may be becoming more judgemental and negative. These are all old energies flowing though as they clear. You are personally and collectively clearing centuries of living fully from a consciousness of separation. These emotions were often necessary for survival and as a result are now firmly established in almost everyone's consciousness as being normal and real. Do not claim them as yours.

Thoughts, feelings, and emotions of a negative nature are not, never have been, and never could be yours personally. Because you are Divine Consciousness individualized, the only qualities that are ever really yours are God qualities--harmony, joy, life, intelligence, abundance, completeness, peace etc. 

Never deny the negative emotions that may arise or pretend a state of consciousness where they do not exist that you have not yet attained, but rather simply allow them to flow through while recognizing them for what they are--suggestions from the three dimensional collective. Remember, whatever you believe is being personally yours and who you are (I am sick, I am poor, I am stupid, etc. etc. ) becomes yours because you are creators creating from the state of your consciousness.

There are times when you must deal with issues that come from living in third dimensional energy. Without guilt or a sense of spiritual failure when you have a problem of some sort, allow intuition to guide you to whatever human footsteps may be appropriate. See the doctor, lawyer, or professional but always first know the truth--that the omnipresent Divine Consciousness/God can not, does not, and never has created or manifested as anything other than the fullness of ITself. 

Over lifetimes of ignorance, the creations of duality, separation, and two powers have accumulated, expanded, and solidified in earth's collective consciousness which is what human minds draw from. These ancient energies must surface and clear as the ascension process proceeds. Recognize their manifestations for what they are without endowing them with power.  

Change is coming on all levels. Be prepared, always remembering that good material appearances are just as illusory as bad ones. You are going to see many generally accepted traditions of belief and practice begin to crumble. Hold fast to the truth and go within often simply to rest in oneness, listening for the still small voice that in reality is the voice of your real Self.  

Because God is infinitely expressing ITs omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Self, meditation is somewhat like eavesdropping on God. It is quietly and confidently listening to the Divine consciousness within express ITself which you may or may not always be consciously aware of. Let go of any and all previous concepts about how this inner connection should manifest. It may come as a feeling or knowing, or it may seem as if nothing at all has happened but always know that every intention and action for spiritual alignment makes a connection because if God was separate from you, you would not exist.  
Practice silently and secretly acknowledging the real nature/Divinity of every person, those you like and those you don't, those caught up in lives of separation, and those trying to harm others physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. This does not mean you must like them or their actions, it means that you see though the human appearance to reality. Even those who are loving and kind are not in and of themselves "good" but rather are allowing the God qualities within them to flow out.  

False concepts and beliefs must first play out materially in order to be really seen and moved beyond by the majority. The three dimensional world has built a consensus consciousness that allows people to do whatever they believe they must do in order to be happy and fulfilled regardless of how it may affect others. Many commonly accepted beliefs based in separation continue to be promoted as truth by governments, some organized religions, and self serving individuals. 

Never doubt that the Divine Plan is alive and well bringing about the demise of that which is quickly becoming obsolete on earth as an evolving planet--activities supported by individuals, organizations, businesses, religions, governments, and all who seek "power over" others. These things have have held mankind in bondage and ignorance of their true Self for eons. The time has come for the people of earth to wake up from a very long dream.  

As part of this process, much is coming that will bring about confusion, questioning, and doubt but at the same time will awaken a sleeping majority to levels of awareness not seen on earth in a very long time. Be an observer.

Earth is a pure high resonating planet formed in and of Divine mind and cannot be destroyed or eliminated by human egos deluded with personal power and greed even though it may seem that way. 

Hold the truth dear ones and be the Light you came to be.
Allow the process.

We are the Arcturian Group 5//19/24


                                                  MAY 5, 2024

Welcome to our message dear readers.  

At this time many are suffering from extreme conditions but it is important to remember that before incarnating every person with guidance, creates a plan for the experiences and people that need to be a part of their time on earth. Contracts are usually about situations that will serve to complete unfinished past life relationships, experiences necessary for opening the person to higher ways of thinking, and are frequently about the person's need to experience the "other side" of prejudicial thinking, words, and actions taken in a previous life.

Earth and all creation can never be fully understood or explained through human thinking regardless of how educated or brilliant the human mind is because human minds only see and study concepts of reality. Divine Consciousness is the only reality and is infinitely expressing ITself, but when seen and understood from limited three dimensional states of consciousness, its expressions appear solid, dense, and material--conditioned, mind formed concepts of reality.  

As a person's state of consciousness expands and spiritually evolves he/she begins to see with new eyes and starts to understand that the experiences, forms, and even activities of a three dimensional world are dense representations / mind formed interpretations of the real Divine Essence that is actually there. Learn to see through all appearances rather than empowering them with good or bad reality.  

Mind is an avenue of awareness continually translating a person's consciousness into form as their outer life. All often see the same thing because there is only ONE Consciousness, individualized. World situations are opening many hearts and minds to oneness and as a result increasingly more are beginning to see how energy aligns with like energy both personally and globally.  

Death is the world's grandest illusion. The belief in separation continues to hold many locked into blindly accepting that life forms die, are gone forever, and there is nothing more. Your real home is on the other side, not on earth. Souls chose to incarnate on earth in order to learn and eventually evolve beyond further need for three dimensional experiences, but no one is meant to stay in three dimensional energy forever. 

Nothing ever dies or ever can die because there is only one life and that LIFE is infinite and self sustained, always has been and always will be. Material forms die and dissolve when the Divine Essence that has maintained and sustained them is no longer present. Concepts of have no spiritual law to uphold them.  

Never excessively mourn the loss of anything for the spiritual reality that originally brought it into expression always remains intact. Those who build altars and shrines to departed loved ones do them no favor for this only serves to keep the loved one somewhat tied to old energy. Old forms of everything automatically fade away when the substance from which they were created (consciousness) changes and evolves to new levels. This is causing a great deal of anger, worry, and turmoil for those struggling to hold on to the past in the belief that it was better. 

Evolution can never be stopped because it is every soul's destiny to wake up to the reality of being Divine Consciousness individualized. Earth is a spiritual universe not material, and its people are Divine beings, not limited human bodies. Animals, plants, devas, fairies, elementals, etc. carry the same Life force as perfect expressions of the infinity of ideas in Divine Mind. Animals were never created to be compared, used, or abused by human egos. Even rocks have consciousness because Consciousness is all that exists. 

Energy is the vibrational frequency of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness which in reality is pure light unable to be seen or even experienced with human eyes. As individuals spiritually evolve their energy becomes increasingly lighter and faster, reflecting more of their true being-God.  

The energy that emanates from states of consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers vibrates at a slower and denser resonance the result of which is matter/material form. This is why most people can not see those on the other side--the energetic frequencies of material consciousness are too heavy and dense to align with the more refined vibrations of those no longer in material form.

Because there is only ONE, all energy regardless of how fast or slow the frequency, seeks to align with like energy in order to once again become ONE. This is how the saying "Birds of a feather flock together" came about and is why individuals and groups with a collective consciousness attract the people and situations they are in alignment with. When lives are filled with negative experiences, most blame outside sources for their problems rather than looking within to what they themselves are creating through their beliefs.  

It serves no purpose to pray to God for that which is already fully present within. Praying, begging, beseeching some concept of God for what God has already fully given as ITself only brings about a deeper sense of separation and perpetuates the human condition. Pray only for more Light and not for what you falsely believe you do not have. God individualized ITself and all ITs qualities in the beginning and as you attain the consciousness of this it will begin to appear outwardly as...  

It is time to live in the truth of who and what you really are. It is time to stop making excuses about how impractical, hard, or impossible it is to live truth. It is time to let go of all religious programming based in "power over" and money. It is time to move beyond outgrown traditions and beliefs simply because they are comfortable and expected of you. It is time to separate yourselves from collective beliefs that strive to keep you in the status quo. It is time to stop looking to family, friends, politicians, experts, or priests, rabbis, or ministers to tell you what to believe. It is time to claim your power. It is time to fully and honestly let go of the past and embrace...  

I am a Divine Being having human experiences in order to learn, clear old energy, and more fully attain conscious oneness with Source.

Allow the process. It is time.

We are the Arcturian Group 5/5/24

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