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                                                APRIL 21, 2024

Dear readers, welcome to our message which is intended to teach and empower.

You are not on earth by accident but rather are of the many brave and awakened souls who volunteered to assist earth in her ascension process toward alignment with her true spiritual expression. You knew that in order to do this you would have to enter into three dimensional density, live and work from a dense material body, and be subject to the creations of a collective consciousness based in duality and separation.  

Negative three dimensional experiences for the spiritually evolved are not usually as random as they are for those who are not and live fully from a three dimensional state of consciousness unless the experiences are chosen as learning experiences. This is because an evolved consciousness does not hold as many false beliefs to manifest. However, at this time the high resonating energies flowing to earth as part of her ascension process are exposing and activating remaining low resonating energy for all individuals.  

You may have noticed that life has become a bit more chaotic and out of sync recently--things breaking down, plans going astray, appliances no longer working, internet going down, problems with this or that etc. Your once smoothly running routine seems to no longer be running smoothly.  

The increasing presence of intense light energies are forcing all that resonates on lower levels to surface and manifest as part of the clearing process. No one can revert from their attained state of consciousness so do not think that somehow you have spiritually regressed if things seem to be more chaotic.  

Most people are not even aware that the energy of many simple beliefs held in consciousness can manifest because in the past lower resonating energies they usually did not. Ordinary sayings like; "If it isn't one thing it is another. ,When it rains it pours. This always happens to me. ". 

These common and seemingly harmless sayings about life are impersonal but have been accepted into the belief system of many. Because the energy on earth is increasingly becoming more refined and because there is no unexpressed consciousness, even these simply common sayings will manifest just as major beliefs do. Do not fear this or give them power if you find yourself automatically thinking them now and then but rather use the experience to be more aware, remembering that consciousness is the substance of form. 

Many spend their whole life seeking happiness from where it does not exist and will never be found--in concepts of happiness as being something that must be attained in the outer world. Because this world is the only world they know, they search for happiness in all the ways it tells them are necessary for fulfillment even if or when some of these ways do not reflect their heart and intuition.  

These people live exhausting lives in a race to find and attain the right partner, school, physical appearance, employment, fame, house, friends, lots of stuff, and money in the belief that once attained these things will bring them the happiness. More often than not even when these things have been attained, the the deep inner longing that every soul has to reunite with Source remains and will remain as their search continues during which they may blame people, circumstances and even God for their unhappiness.  

Most suicides result from concepts of happiness not materializing or from the guilt of decisions made and actions taken. Because they do not know who they really are, these dear ones judge themselves by material standards believing that they are unworthy failures. In reality, the very experiences that have brought them to that point are very often the experiences they themselves put into their pre-birth contract in order to evolve to new levels of awareness. However, because death is really an illusion they will come back to earth wiser and more evolved, prepared to take the on any challenges .

True and lasting happiness is a state of consciousness. It does not come and go like the many beliefs about happiness that are just accepted concepts. True and lasting happiness is everyone's birthright by virtue of their being Divine Consciousness individualized but as long as a person believes themselves to be separate from God and all that God is they block the flow of the self sustaining, self maintaining fulfillment aspect of their true SELF. You are not a little part of God you are the fullness, but most have not known or even been interesting in knowing this because the hypnotism of the material world seems so real.

True creativity (not something copied from someone else or what is already known) is a quality of Divine Consciousness that flows and expands in each successive lifetime. There is no such thing as a child prodigy, only individuals who over lifetimes have attained a high level of expertise in some particular area (music, math, art, medicine/healing etc.) and are simply being their state of consciousness in this life. 

The spiritual journey can be very difficult in the beginning because upon awakening to deeper truths most think that this new awareness will bring them everything they have always sought and it will, but not until it becomes their attained state of consciousness. In a burst of spiritual enthusiasm many will say; "Show me the way, I am ready." but when all the "stuff" they need to look at, let go of, and move beyond is shown them, they often panic and begin to have second thoughts. 

The real spiritual journey can only begin when there is a willingness to let go of all previous religious concepts about God, man, and spirituality. Only a consciousness empty and no longer cluttered with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers is able to accept, nurture, and grow into real truth. This is often a time of struggle for the awakening seeker because many of their beliefs, particularly religious ones are deeply rooted in their consciousness.  

It is important to live from your highest sense of truth at all times because much that has always been familiar is moving out of alignment with the energies now coming in. This is why some who realize ( on a deeper level) that they are not able to attain the levels of energy necessary for alignment with the new energy are choosing to leave and then when ready come back prepared for the higher resonating energies of the new earth.  

True happiness is not about having, getting, or appearing to be something the three dimensional world values. Happiness is the automatic result and experience of the already fully present completeness that exists in and as every person.  

We are the Arcturian Group 4/21/24

                                                            APRIL 7, 2024

Welcome to our message, dear readers.

The world has entered a time of important and powerful change for earth herself as well as for those living on her. Individuals who live from a consciousness of truth have a stable foundation from which to meet and understand these changes and can assist those presently struggling to understand the world from foundations built of shifting sand. 

All is proceeding according to plan although many continue to hold concepts about what will happen, when, where, and even how to speed it all up. Know that a Divine plan is and can never be influenced by or subject to limited three dimensional practices intended to influence it.  

Earth is and always has been the perfect spiritual universe of Divine Mind but because you are creators, it is the evolved consciousness of the majority that will lift and enlighten the collective to where it no longer expresses and maintains creations of duality and separation. Earth has finally reached a place of spiritual readiness for more and that is what is happening. 

Change reflects states of consciousness because consciousness is creative, the substance of form. Divine Consciousness is all that exists but the fullness of IT can only be experienced when individuals are able to align with it. Each day more individuals awaken to a deeper sense of oneness which in turn is serving to open and lift world consciousness to levels that will stop feeding many current forms of duality, separation, and two powers. 

This energetically powerful time on earth is not for the fainthearted. You who chose to serve earth at this time may feel like the head of a flying arrow catching heat and resistance. Many of you are experiencing physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual issues because your energy fields are being swept clean of lingering old pockets of energy in order for them to be replaced with high resonating Light energy. Physical bodies often react to this process in some way.  

Everything still vibrating with old and finished energy is dissolving regardless of how well it may have served in the past simply because the slow dense vibrations of third dimensional consciousness cannot align with the lighter higher frequencies coming to earth. Many are choosing to leave at this time.  

Everything taking place now and soon is about dissolving separation consciousness and the false sense of self that accompanies it. Trust that in spite of what you may be experiencing in your personal life, everything at this point is part of a bigger picture leading you through and then beyond of the hypnotism you have long accepted as being reality. 

Even though every person is Divine Consciousness individualized, a spiritually evolved consciousness will automatically express more high resonating Light/God energy than that of a consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation. Because consciousness is creative it is always expressing itself. Beliefs of duality and separation serve to block the flow of higher resonating energies simply because they are manifesting and will do so until cleared. There is no un-manifest consciousness.

A high resonating state of consciousness automatically and without thought flows as oneness, calmness, consideration, kindness, trust, comfort, guidance, acceptance, assistance, and love etc. etc. Those receptive to these energies will feel and be drawn to them in some way while others may be repelled or even fear them. This however is not important because your job is to be the Lighthouse. 

Many are beginning to experience qualities of their real self because they are spiritually ready. One of aspect of the real Self is empowerment, a quality often thought of as being "power over" someone or something. Spiritual empowerment is a Divine quality already fully present in every individual, but often misunderstood or not even recognized. 

Spiritual empowerment can only express through a state of consciousness that has attained what spiritual literature refers to as the "Mystical Marriage"--the realization that male and female energies are not separate but rather are two facets of one Divine Whole. When one facet is believed to be superior or more important than the other it blocks the manifestation of spiritual empowerment and adds energy to concepts of empowerment being "power over".

You are all familiar with beliefs that relegate male energy to being superior to female energy. Much of this is the result of past beliefs being kept alive by those who stand to profit from it in some way. Masculine energy is the be-er, do-er, active aspect of God and feminine energy is the loving, intuitive, gentle aspect of God. They are not separate, but rather are meant to manifest as one physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. 

Minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation interpret the active aspect of masculine energy as being superior to the feminine because it appears to do more and humans love "doing" and when compared, feminine energy appears not to be "doing". The belief in male superiority blocks the flow of Divine feminine energy which is vital to and necessary for balanced outcomes on every level. The Divine feminine tempers and gives intuitive input to decision making and without it you get war, violence, and hatred.  

It is an insult to God and an act of idolatry to believe that God's feminine aspect is less than God's male aspect. Both are facets of the one omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Whole that is fully present on earth in every male and female. Everyone as lived lives as both male and female which is why so many are confused by gender identity at this time. Remember, you are consciousness with a body, not a body with consciousness.  

Empowerment allows a person to lovingly saying to another; "Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this." Empowerment is loving and respecting others while never allowing them to dominate or have control over you. It is allowing your masculine aspect to make choices and decisions guided by the love, consideration, and intuition of your feminine aspect. Empowerment may occasionally mean speaking firmly to another using words they can relate to while silently acknowledging the person's true self.

Many organized religions teach that they alone have all the answers about God and that therefore you must believe what they believe or face punishment. Advertisers tell you to eat this and buy that or something bad will happen. Politicians, religious leaders, family, educators, and experts are all telling you what to believe and scamming has become rampant.  

Spiritual empowerment is a state of consciousness that strengthens intuition and allows you to lovingly make and stand in choices and decisions without guilt, doubt, feeling "less than", or a need to please.

You are ready to allow the already fully present empowerment within you to express . 

We are the Arcturian Group 4/7/2

                                                         MARCH 17, 2024

Welcome dear readers

You are often told that in order to truly love another you must first love yourself but exactly how does a person love themself? True self love (not ego bluster) is difficult for those who are spiritually awake as well as those who are not because most believe that self love refers to loving the three dimensional false sense of self that most identity with as being who they are.  

Bluster and brag are often seen as excessive self love but in reality represent the lack of it, a state of consciousness that needs constant reassurance and tactics in order to feel that he or she is worthy of respect and love. 

As individuals spiritually evolve, they begin to remember and analyze past actions from a new and higher perspective. Words spoken and actions taken in a less evolved state of consciousness start coming to mind bringing with them guilt, regret, and even self loathing--a sense of unworthiness that leaves them wondering how on earth they can ever love this person.  

If this has been your experience, you are not alone for just as with all earthly experiences, this stage is another facet of the journey, another step along the path to deeper spiritual realization. As you learn about and begin to accept the YOU that you really are you automatically begin to understand, appreciate, and love the person you thought you were. Simply allow this aspect of self love to unfold as you are ready. 

The secret to loving one's self is to stop judging your worthiness for love from three dimensional standards and concepts. Loving self does not mean loving the ego, that false sense of self that you came to accept as being who you were, but rather means learning about, understanding, accepting, integrating, living, and loving the real you-- the YOU that is Divine consciousness individualized, the YOU you have been unaware of throughout lifetimes. 

Most consider love to be an emotion because it is usually experienced that way. The word emotion means "energy in motion". Love as it is known and accepted by most at this time is a limited three dimensional concept of real love--the omnipresent energy of one Divine Consciousness forever surrounding and flowing to, from, and between all expressions of ITself as people, plants, animals, extra terrestrials, nature spirits, elementals, planets etc.  

This ever present interconnecting energy is interpreted and understood according to individual states of consciousness and can therefore manifest and even be experienced as hate as well as "love". Most are as of yet unable to understand or even consider love as being an omnipresent God energy and will remain unaware of it until they are able to comprehend and integrate ONEness .  

Through the process of living hundreds of previous lives as well as this one, every person has acquired personal likes and dislikes and has done things he/she now regrets. Everyone can remember situations where hurtful words were spoken and self serving actions were taken but always remember that all experiences are learning experiences meant to eventually bring every person to a higher spiritual awareness of self and others.

Do not concentrate on or denigrate yourself over past actions. Make amends where or if it is appropriate and then move on. Send Light and love to those who may have already gone home and forgive all who have offended you in the realization that they too are spiritual beings in the process of learning and evolving. Try not to dwell on or continue feeding low resonating situations from the past that someone or others may want to keep alive.

Common concepts of love are based in separation and promote love as being limited to sexual attraction, compassion, sympathy, desire, service, religiosity, etc. because this is how God energy is commonly interpreted on earth. You are ready to move to higher consciousness of love from which you can more fully experience and express it to self and to others.  

Love is the substance of everything because it is ALL THAT EXISTS. It is the creative, alive, permanent energy of omnipresent Divine Consciousness--God. You are floating in it. It is the air you breathe, the water in lakes, streams, and oceans, every tree and flower. a baby's smile, and the wagging tail of a dog. It is relationship, wisdom, concern for others, peace, joy, and laughter. You are swimming in the omnipresent energy of love at all times and could never be separate from it even if you tried but it does not look that way on earth because three dimensional states of consciousness continue to interpret God's spiritual expressions from levels of duality and separation belief.  

Because most are as of yet unable to see the reality that underlies everything, they continue to believe in and live from a false, conditioned, and programmed mind formed interpretations of the perfect universe and ideas of Divine Mind.

Your consciousness of reality is helping to lift and change this.  

We are the Arcturian Group 3/17/24

                                                         FEBRUARY 25, 2024

Welcome to our message. dear readers. 

Never forget that you chose to be on earth at this time in order to participate in the ascension process and were well aware when making this choice that you would forget who you were and why you came and that it would be a time of personal and global upheavals.  

Earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God but is not seen or experienced this way because the consciousness of the majority remains hypnotized by beliefs of duality and separation. Most do not yet realize that it is the creative aspect of their own and everyone else's consciousness creating, maintaining, and sustaining a material sense of the world.  

You are serving the ascension process simply by living each day from your highest state of awareness. "Light work" is about be-ing rather than do-ing because the vibrational energy of your consciousness radiates from you wherever you go be it in person or thought. Always remember that good material appearances are just as much illusory concepts as bad appearances because both are expressions of duality--war/peace, sickness/health, happiness/sadness, lack/abundance.  

The energies emanating from every person are automatically felt on some level by those around them because there is only one Consciousness. However, the choice to align with another's energy is up to you. Empaths, who are very sensitive to the energy of others often struggle to avoid aligning with another's energy because they feel it and believe it is theirs. If you struggle with this, go within and state the intention to always be alert to when it is happening. 

Aligning with another's energy usually happens unconsciously during something as simple as intense conversations that leave you feeling drained. An example of how energy works is seen in situations of bullying. The low resonating energy unconsciously flowing from a consciousness of "I am less than" or "I am unworthy of love" will align with the same low resonating energy of someone expressing it through the "bully" state of consciousness.

Avoid intense involvement with appearances of duality, separation, and two powers and trust that all is proceeding according to plan. When you get caught up appearances you are adding energy to the appearance. Take whatever steps you may need to stay centered in truth while allowing your intuition to guide you. Be informed but do it with the detachment that comes from knowing that Divine reality underlies every appearance otherwise there would be not an appearance because you cannot make something out of nothing.  

Everyone has unique gifts because everyone is an individualized expression of Divine creativity. You are going to find aspects of your gifts changing even if it is just a change in your thinking about something. Work, creativity, interests, and long held concepts about life in general are going to either disappear or shift to a new and higher form . 

Rather than holding to "This is the way we have always done it and it works. " be open to new ideas in the realization that nothing real can ever die or disappear. It is only the lower resonating material form or concept of a spiritual idea that dies or disappears. Not all changes will be better or of a higher resonance at first because many of those charged with making changes are still working from three dimensional awareness.  

As a person spiritually evolves their energetic resonance becomes lighter, brighter, and more refined, which in turn allows greater insight with regard to people, places, ideas, beliefs, etc. Insight experiences can be frightening because they automatically relegate previously held "truths" to being false. Hold insight experiences in your heart without feeling the need to accept or deny them but simply allow them to mature and unfold when you are ready.  

Some of you will continue doing the work you have been doing, and will begin to get ideas for how it could be done better or more efficiently. Others of you may find yourselves completely removed from what you have been doing whether by choice or force. Know that your Higher self is bringing to you experiences you need for further growth that will push you to something higher and better just waiting. Take whatever "human" steps you are guided to take always knowing that every experience is a facet of the spiritual evolutionary journey and never random "bad luck".  

Everything vibrating with obsolete frequencies must change because collective consciousness is evolving which in turn is allowing it to manifest as forms that more closely align with reality. Trust SELF, not the ego based human sense of self but the real YOU that is, always has been, and always will be fully present even if not yet fully experienced. You are going to notice that solutions and new ideas come quickly and without effort because your consciousness of being fulfillment and self sustaining, self maintaining completeness has opened the door to its manifestation.  

Meditation is consciously acknowledging and resting in the awareness of self as SELF without expectations or seeking. When you meditate this way you are telling your Higher Self that you are open and ready for more. Ideas and answers sometimes come in mediation but more often manifest later when the person is better prepared to receive the needed information, often when least expected. Never believe that time spent in meditation wasted time because "nothing happened".  

Many are programmed to expect this or that to happen in mediation and if it doesn't they think they have failed. Some think of meditation as a personal "cash cow" for getting what they want. Time devoted to silently resting in; "I and the father are one" is NEVER wasted and is ALWAYS answered. Let go of any and all concepts of how answers must come or meditation needs to be experienced. Even one second spent in a consciousness of ONEness is true prayer and always answered.  

You have been awaiting the birth of a new world for very long time. Try to understand that the earth's ascension is a process involving the three dimensional energies of a collective consciousness that has been expanded and built upon for many thousands of years. Global and personal clearings are happening and high resonating frequencies are integrating into physical bodies but it must happen as a process in three dimensional energy.

You never have been or ever could be other than the one infinite God expressing ITself. Anything other than that is a dream.  

We are the Arcturian Group 2/25/24

                                                      FEBRUARY 11, 2024

Dear readers, welcome to our message.

All is proceeding according to plan even as appearances often indicate otherwise. Long held concepts of right and wrong, good and bad, along with man made rules of correctness regarding every aspect of life are being questioned in the hearts and minds of increasingly more individuals. 

You are now in a time that has been predicted, prayed for, and desired for thousands of years. You chose and were allowed to be on earth at this powerful time in order to participate in earth's ascension process but because the three dimensional energy of earth is so dense most of you were unaware of your intention and began to align with earth's three dimensional belief system. 

The ascension process is happening but even some who are aware of it continue to hold concepts of how it should look and manifest--"Beings from other planets will come, save us, and change everything. World events are proving that the ascension process has not yet begun..."etc. Let go of any and all concepts you may still have with regard to the ascension process. The human mind which interprets mainly from a third dimensional level is unable to fully comprehend the ascension process or understand how the high resonating energies accompanying it are affecting everything and everyone.  

Ideas and ways of living that reflect previous states of consciousness will become less relevant in many minds and begin to disappear automatically adding Light energy to earth's collective consciousness. Many of those unwilling or unable to accept new ideas and change are lashing out at everyone and everything they believe to be responsible for ruining the world (as they know it). It is important to understand that good human-hood is no more real than bad human-hood because both are material concepts of spiritual reality.  

Those spiritually prepared but who steadfastly refuse to accept anything other than what they have come to believe is reality often must learn what they are ready to learn the hard way through physical, emotional, or mental wake up calls. Many commonly held beliefs are going to come into question this year as increasingly more embrace spiritual empowerment and begin to think for themselves. The ascension process is a reality regardless of whether or not it is known, believed, or resisted. 

The third dimension is the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder even as most consider human consciousness to be the epitome of intelligence and wisdom. Humans became increasingly stuck in density when over time and through ignorance of their true nature, they believed, lived, and continued to create their outer world from states of consciousness polluted with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.  

All life is the one and only life, that of God/Divine Consciousness/Source and the game of pretending anything other than that is over. It has gone on too long and increasingly more souls are tired of playing this game. Pain, suffering, lack, limitation etc. etc. have never been reality and only seem to be so because they have been the experiences of the majority throughout hundreds of lifetimes creating personal programming and a collective consciousness unaware of anything other than what can be seen, heard, tasted, touched, and smelled. 

Never doubt that you are a Divine Being, embodying the fullness of Divine Consciousness regardless of any appearances or situations that would indicate otherwise. Stop attempting to figure everything out through limited three dimensional knowledge because finite human minds are incapable of aligning with and comprehending the infinite. Divine Consciousness is, always has, and will infinitely continue expressing and revealing ITself but those choosing to live with constant noise and outer distractions cannot hear the still, small voice always flowing from within and so believe it does not exist. 

You and only you can choose spiritual evolution because you have free will. A person can play three dimensional games and fritter away many lifetimes while doing it. They can choose to live as a ghost for while, or even refuse to incarnate in order to experience their needed earth lessons. However, the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this particular time are such that those who do not take advantage of them will find themselves left in old energy. 

Creator Consciousness is every person's consciousness because there is only One Consciousness. Through ignorance and over time most have allowed their individualized Divine consciousness to become filled with beliefs of separation, duality, and two powers which allows material forms of these beliefs to manifest outwardly leaving the person to believe that they are a victim of outside forces. The world has reached a readiness to move beyond the bondage that these beliefs create but leaving behind the familiar even if or when it is painful is difficult because these old energies are known and most fear the unknown. 

Try not to get overly involved in the news and images of war and suffering. Be aware of it, but remember that spiritual reality underlies every appearance. The old world consciousness is collapsing and its death throes are manifesting as situations that are often destructive and painful. Never forget that every person incarnates with a contract that they and their Guides have put together pre-birth regarding experiences deemed necessary for further learning and spiritual growth.

Do what you are guided to do when situations large or small arise while always recognizing the Divinity of everyone involved. A smile, a kind word, needed support, a listening ear, petting a lonely dog, and always acknowledging the Divine Light shining from every person's eyes regardless of their state of consciousness. This is Light work and is what you came to do. Even the simplest of activities done with spiritual awareness add Light energy to earth's collective and can actually lift or heal another if they are receptive.  

​Whatever you give energy to feeds and continues it. Every war on drugs, cancer or disease, war on this or that simply draws attention to and adds energy to the issue allowing it to stay alive and well in the collective. Your work as a spiritually awakened person is to live from your highest level of truth and as you do this, more will be given. This does not mean burying your head in the sand while shouting "God is all" but rather means re-interpreting appearances--being in the world, but not of it.  

It is an intense and difficult time for many as long held and seemingly innocent concepts and beliefs begin to crumble but the old must fall away in order for higher and more real forms of these same things (laws, beliefs, health care, military, government ) to manifest. The world is in the midst of giving birth and the birth pangs will continue for awhile yet.  

Not everyone is spiritually ready to understand what is happening to them and the world. Offer honest practical guidance when asked but do not attempt to inform, change, or force your knowledge on another in the belief that you are "saving" them. Every person has Guides and a Higher Self and in some form or another is on their evolutionary path. Secretly and silently acknowledge the Divine nature of every person and then go about your business. Those ready for truth will be drawn to you at the right time and it is usually someone you least expect to be interested in truth. 

Rest in reality, Be rather than do, and trust that all is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group 2/11/24 

                                               JANUARY 28, 2024

Greetings as we begin the new year of 2024 which is going to be a year of exposures and events that will help awaken many who continue to place their trust in beliefs that are now becoming obsolete. No person can remain hypnotized by illusions of separation forever because the reality of every person is God/Source/Divine Consciousness individualized.

There are some, especially those addicted to "power over" that continue with words and actions to keep the world addicted to the old belief system because if a majority remains bound to the unenlightened rules, ideas, leaders, laws, religiosity, and traditions of duality, separation, and a belief in two powers, they continue to profit in some way. 

It is difficult to move beyond the teachings and beliefs that have served a person well as guidelines throughout their life. However, there comes a time in everyone's evolutionary journey when they must let go of many beliefs that remain familiar and comfortable but no longer resonate in order to integrate the higher levels of awareness. This process is usually not consciously chosen but rather is brought about by the Higher Self when the person is ready.  

When everything a person has been taught, believed, and built their foundation on begins to no longer resonate in the same way, it usually precipitates a period of fear, confusion, doubt, resistance, and even the belief that the person is losing their mind because everything they have wholeheartedly believed up to this point seems to have been a lie. 

This period constitutes a "dark night of the soul" especially for those who have been serious seekers for a long time and believed had found all the answers. It will last as long as the person resists, tries to re-energize the past, or refuses to look deeper within. It can be a particularly traumatic time for those who hold to strict religious, metaphysical, or even "pagan" beliefs. 

At some point the experience becomes a time of seeking, researching, studying world religions, pondering, questioning, and healing during which new awareness's begin to take root even while some of the old remains. Know that you are always guided and being led through this phase of your journey by your Higher Self because you are ready for it but most do not initiate it on their own. 

God is not an old man sitting on a cloud passing judgement on every person's qualifications to receive good or punishment according to how well they have followed some man made rule. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness and because everyone is an expression of this one and only Consciousness, everything that IT is, is already fully present within every individual. You are not a part of God, you are the wholeness.

It is not only foolish but fruitless to pray to some concept of God made in man's image to give you things, events, people etc. God is already expressing IT's fullness in and as every person and has no awareness of anything other than ITself because nothing other than ITself exists. If disease, lack, suffering etc. were facets of Divine Consciousness they could never be healed, changed or eliminated because they would be held forever in place by Divine Law. Spiritual evolution is the journey of realizing this and allowing SELF completeness to manifest. 

God does not give things, people, jobs, goods, because God consciousness does not have ideas of lack and limitation. God is infinitely expressing ITSelf through man and all ITs expressions. Once a person attains a consciousness of oneness and completeness, mind can then interpret the contents of this state of consciousness on levels the person can understand.  

For example; A person needs a home. If they have attained a state of consciousness that knows they can never be separate from their real home which is Divine Consciousness, mind will then interpret this outwardly as the right home. The enlightened consciousness of a mechanic will not manifest outwardly as new ideas for surgery nor will the surgeon manifest ideas for fixing a carburetor--unless that is what he needs.

This is why it is necessary to let go of the many familiar but now obsolete religious or metaphysical teachings encouraging you to pray this way or that in order to obtain what you believe you or others need. These practices served well in earlier times of evolution but were only steps along the way not meant to be held on to forever. These practices actually promote and empower beliefs of separation. The time has come to put away the tools of a previous and less evolved state of consciousness and move into the awareness of what it really means to be one with God.  

It is futile to pray for peace, because God knows nothing other than the peace of ONE omnipresent Self having no opposites. Instead of praying to God for peace realize that because every person is Divine Consciousness individualized, the energy flowing and connecting all life (love) remains fully present even when not recognized because it is the reality.  

Do not deny appearances, but rather cease giving them power by acknowledging the reality underlying all appearances. War is an activity of the collective belief in separation which must be experienced by some in order for them to learn and evolve beyond beliefs of separation.

Many continue to live with one foot in both worlds long past the time they are ready to have both feet in the world of truth. This can be difficult, scary, and even result in rejection by family and friends but you came to earth to fully awaken, clear remaining old energies, help others do the same and by doing this assist with earth's ascension process. The issues you are witnessing on earth at this time are facets of this process because everything old and false must surface, play out, and be recognized in order to be let go of and moved beyond.

Never proselyte or attempt to press your awareness on others in the belief that you are helping them but rather simply be an example of peace and non-judgement. Trust that those ready for what you have to give will find their way to you because like energy attracts like energy.

A spiritually evolved person is an empowered person who does not allow others to dominate or control them in the belief that they are being patient and loving when they do this. Never allow a person or group to misuse or dominate you. It is an insult to your divinity. A spiritually empowered person is never afraid to lovingly say; "Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this.."

Some remain in abusive or even dangerous situations simply because they want to please, reflecting low resonating attempts to be loved. Others have been taught that it is spiritual to be loving and patient regardless of all negative circumstances. It is not spiritual to allow some person or group to manipulate you physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually. However it is very important to be very honest with yourself in these types of situations, not interpreting another's desire for dialog or change as an easy excuse to run away or avoid dealing with something.

It is often the case and particularly during these times of intense clearing, that the painful situations a person may be dealing with in this lifetime are actually old energies that wer experienced and have been carried through many previous lifetimes. When a person feels strong and evolved enough to finally acknowledge and clear intensely painful and low resonating energies they still carry (horrific experiences like torture to death or one or lifetimes of abuse) they will often choose to incarnate into a family or situation that will reactivate this old energy. Because now they are spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared they are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from consciousness. 

Always in these types of situations do what needs to be said or done while inwardly knowing the true spiritual nature of all involved. That way you do not create negative energy that will need to be cleared.  

Like it or not, enjoy it or not, desire it or not, believe it or not there is a Divine plan unfolding and you are a part of it. 

We are the Arcturian Group 1/28/24

                                                     JANUARY 14, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which is as we have previously stated, your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message.  

The Divine plan continues to unfold regardless of efforts by some to keep the status quo. Do not mourn the loss of people, places, or the things that fulfilled you in the past or attempt to restore them to what they once were. Because consciousness is the creative substance of form, and because every person is an expression of Divine Consciousness, outer forms must automatically dissolve or change as consciousness changes.  

Everything a person is energetically in alignment with flows harmoniously but spiritual evolution changes and refines a person's energy which in turn puts them out of alignment with much that they were previously in alignment with--certain people, places, causes, beliefs, foods, likes/dislikes etc). 

Evolution is also causing many to no longer align with the metaphysical and spiritual practices they have believed to be important and necessary but are now beginning to feel "old". You must be willing to release anything that no longer resonates with you regardless of how important it may have once been in order to move to new levels.  

The world is manifesting a great deal of chaos as ancient and long ignored pockets of dense energy surface for individuals as well as the earth in order to be acknowledged and eliminated. In previous times of war the majority would stand firmly and without question behind whatever their country told them--"My country right or wrong, my country". This is no longer true. 

Technology is allowing the world to witness the pain and suffering of others across the globe. This has resulted in increasingly more receptivity to activities and ideas of service and compassion that in reality are expressions of spiritual oneness but to most seem to be simply the desire to help or serve in some way. Compassion, donating what is needed, reaching out, and activities of service are in reality spiritual oneness interpreted on the third dimensional level.

Most do not yet understand that the compassion and care that they are beginning to feel for people and animals is flowing from within them and not from advertisement and messages from outside sources. Awakening to compassion represents the first steps toward conscious awareness that all life is God life, expressions of the One Divine Consciousness/God individualized as infinite form and variety.  

It is important that you allow you intuition to guide you when serving individuals or groups in some way. Learn to discern the difference between wants and needs. There are some living fully from a three dimensional state of consciousness that take advantage in the belief that somehow they are entitled to have whatever they want and as much of it as they can get. Always remember that in reality these individuals are Divine beings but do not let yourself be manipulated by three dimensional games. This is empowerment.

Third dimensional consciousness believes that love is an emotion, a feeling of attraction to someone, something, some activity, or some place and it often is. This is a very limited interpretation of love which in reality is the energy that flows between and connects all individualizations of the ONE. Love is the glue that holds everything in perfect order and harmony-roses coming from rose bushes, apples from apple trees, the sun rising and setting each day,and the tides moving. Love is God in action. 

Many individuals continue to be stymied, blocked, rejected, or even punished if they seek to understand or experience love from "outside of the box"--to live differently from their society's "accepted" beliefs, to partner with an "unapproved" person, or worship differently from family traditions. When a majority believes something, it becomes solidified as collective consciousness and universally accepted. However, as concepts based in error fall away, so too will today's many limited concepts about love.

Recognize the small evidences of the ascension process. Many Self-help books are beginning to promote the idea that real change and solutions lie within the person themselves. Teachers on all levels are beginning to incorporate the importance of quiet time for better clarity. People are recognizing and standing up to the stupidity of war and many young but evolved souls are reaching out to and teaching those entrenched in the past about new ways of seeing the world.  

People will continue to "fall in love" but it will be on a new and higher level even as the world continues to promote the idea that every person is half of a couple and can't be happy until they find their other half. Increasingly more are waking up to the fact that this concept of relationship is obsolete and are choosing instead a higher sense of relationship, one in which two people already aware that they are whole and complete choose to stand together looking in the same direction. Relationships will be a matter of choice, not need.  

Changes will unfold in this coming year because much that is familiar is on the verge of breaking down. Those who through ignorance or a desire for power attempt to hold old energy in place will be disappointed because at some point their efforts will simply no longer work as they once did because people are waking up. One with God is a majority and like it or not, every soul is destined to wake up to reality.  

Don't ever believe that you are stupid or un-evolved simply because you do not accept or fully understand some of the changes that may come. Learn to be an observer, trusting your intuition because some changes, those made from a three dimensional level do not represent a higher level and will not remain. This is how evolution works--stepping,falling, getting up, and stepping until at a certain point the soul no longer needs to learn this way.  

Current beliefs about the "best" healthcare, government, business, education, and law will at some point change for the better and wiser as collective consciousness spiritually evolves. You will witness chaos, resistance, and conflict in some old and long established institutions that have thrived and been held in high esteem simply for being who and what they represent, much of which is now becoming obsolete. 

Ego is the sense of a personal self-hood separate from God and other life forms. Individuality is not ego. Everyone is entitled to their preferences as an individual with free will because everyone is an individualized expression of God. This does not mean you shouldn't feel pride in your accomplishments, but rather that you always remember where accomplishments flow from. 

You are on earth to be the Light. Not to do, but to be. Trust your intuition with regard to every aspect of your lives. Any messages, channels, or teachings being promoted as new and higher must reflect oneness or they simply remain three dimensional in spite of any new packaging.  

Always remember that you are not a material body with consciousness but are and always have been consciousness utilizing material body while in the denser energies of earth. Your real home is on the other side and your real body is made of Light. You came to earth for a short time to assist others and personally evolve. You are God individualized. This is the whole message, the whole journey, the whole truth.

We are the Arcturian Group 1/14/24